Sports and Recreation { Sport e Ricreazione
CIAO members participate in several recreational activities.
Only some are Italian themed, but all provide opportunities to socialize.
The Tressette group meets monthly to play Italian card games.
Currently playing Scopa and Briscola, with Tressette as a future option.
Group meets at Sal’s by Victor on 4th Thursday of each month from 1:30 to 3:30.
Monthly Bocce outings are enjoyed during warm-weather months.
Members play at the Ford’s Colony bocce court.
3rd Thursday of months Mar—Jun and Sep—Nov, usually from 2:00 to 4:00.
A few CIAO members are pickleball enthusiasts and get together with other members for games.
Play is currently on the courts at Veterans Park..
Every Monday during the months Mar—Jun and Sep—Nov, from 3:00 to 5:00.
In 2024, a bowling activity was added to balance the outdoor activities.
Members meet at the Bowlero bowling center on Wednesday afternoons.
Normally once a month from Jan—Apr..
During the annual Spring and Fall Picnics, some of these activities, especially bocce, are enjoyed by members after the meal.